On 4 October 2024, Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou, Senior Project Manager GRNET and HellasQCI Project Coordinator, participated at the 1st Iberian QCI Workshop addressing the topic of: “National Secure Quantum Networks and Cross Border Interconnection”, focusing on security issues and cross border interconnections between HellasQCI – the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure for Greece and the National QCIs of Portugal (PTQCI), Spain (EuroQCI Spain) and Malta (PRISM).

The panel discussion “National Secure Quantum Networks and Cross Border Interconnection” moderated by Catarina Bastos, Deimos Engenharia and PTQCI Coordinator featured the following invited speakers and participants: Trevor Spiteri, University of Malta and PRISM EuroQCI project representative, Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou, GRNET and HellasQCI Coordinator, Armando Pinto, University of Aveiro, Paulo André, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Marcos Curty, Universidad de Vigo and Vicente Martín, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and EuroQCI Spain representative.

This panel focused on the advancements in secure quantum networks across borders and the collaborative efforts amongst the participating countries. The panellists discussed the challenges in implementing their NatQCI and the significance of cross-border interconnection for the deployment of the pan-european quantum communication infrastructure – EuroQCI.

HellasQCI continues to progress, collaborate, and innovate to prepare the ground for secure communications in critical infrastructures and sensitive data . The presence of HellasQCI at the 1st Iberian QCI workshop demonstrates the determination in building a secure and operational EuroQCI, through collaboration, the exchange of expertise and meaningful discussions. GRNET, under the guidance of the Ministry of Digital Governance, being the HellasQCI project coordinator, is committed to deploying the Greek Quantum Communication Infrastructure, as part of the EuroQCI initiative.

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