The National Quantum Communication Infrastructures (NatQCIs) projects of Greece (HellasQCI), Spain (EuroQCI Spain), Austria (QCI-CAT) respectively, invite you to a captivating event that will take place in Athens the historical capital of Europe between 28-30 April 2025. See the full Invitation HERE

The 4th official HellasQCI Newsletter is out, aiming to show the latest progress and updates of the project. Take a look and subscribe (if you haven’t already): HERE

The 3rd official HellasQCI Newsletter is out, aiming to show the latest progress and updates of the project. Among others, the preparation of the 3rd training event, several collaboration activities, as well as the successful review by EU. Take a…

The 2nd official HellasQCI Newsletter of 2023 is out, aiming to show the latest progress and updates of the project nationally through the successful organisation of the 1st training event, as well as in European level by promoting EUROQCI activities.…

The 1st official HellasQCI Newsletter of 2023 is out, aiming to provide news regarding the future of cybersecurity with Quantum Technologies and PQC algorithms, in Greece and all over Europe! Take a look and subscribe (if you haven’t already): HERE