Τhe World Quantum Day on the 14th of April 2023 was an excellent opportunity to celebrate, exchange information and expertise on quantum technologies and EuroQCI , and to foster the cooperation and synergies between the NRENs and the National Quantum Communication Infrastructures of Greece (HellasQCI), Poland (PIONIERQ), Ireland (IrelandQCI), Croatia (CroQCI), Romania (RoNaQCI), Czechia (CZQCI) and The Netherlands (QCINed).

Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou, Senior Project Manager at GRNET and HellasQCI project coordinator, presented Greece’s national Quantum Communication Infrastructure (HellasQCI) and its use-cases.

Link to the recording and the presentations: https://events.geant.org/event/1225

Presentation of HellasQCI Coordinator Dr Ilias Papastamatiou GRNET