19th-20th of January 2023 Dr Ilias Papaastamatiou from GRNET introduced at the kick off meeting in Athens the project overall. S1-HellasQCI-Introduction-I.-Papastamatiou_1Download

As Secretary General of Telecommunications & Posts, Athanasios Staveris gave a presentation during the HellasQCI kick-off meeting. 19th - 20th of January 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zRKT7MU2JA

HellasQCI's kick-off meeting, launched by Greece's Ministry, showcased commitment to EuroQCI, continuing with fruitful discussions. The HellasQCI project kick-off meeting took place in Athens, Greece at the Ministry of Digital Governance in January 2023. The project was officially launched by…