HellasQCI will be present in the IrelandQCI kick-off meeting in Waterford on 24-25 April. Dr Ilias Papastamatiou, Senior Project Manager at GRNET and Project Coordinator of the HellasQCI will chair a session and will present the project overall and the synergies with IrelandQCI and Dr Manolis Xilouris, Research Director of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of NOA will present the Optical Ground Stations in HellasQCI. WIT-SETU, the coordinator of Irish’s National QCI proposal (IrishQCI) is Associated Partner in the HellasQCI proposal, and mutually GRNET, the coordinator of Greece’s National QCI proposal (HellasQCI) is Associated Partner in the IrishQCI proposal.