The launch of IrelandQCI fostered collaboration, shared expertise, and discussed challenges in quantum communication infrastructures
The launch of the IrelandQCI -partner project of the HellasQCI- which took place in Waterford on April 24-25, was an excellent opportunity to exchange expertise on quantum technologies and foster countries’ cooperation for the successful implementation of the National Quantum Communication Infrastructures (NatQCIs).
Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou, Senior Project Manager of GRNET and Project Coordinator of HellasQCI, chaired the IrelandQCI kick-off session and presented the overall project, the advanced QKD technologies that will be implemented and the planned actions.
Dr. Manolis Xilouris, Research Director of IAASARS of the National Observatory of Athens presented the activities of the OGSs and in particular those at Helmos Observatory, regarding laser communications, QKD and deep space optical communications.
Mr. Ossian Smyth, Minister of State Department of Environment, Climate and Communications of the Republic of Ireland, officially launched IrelandQCI and contributed to the discussions between the three National QCIs with Dr. Deirdre Kilbane, Jesse Robbers and Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou, Coordinators of IrelandQCI, QCINEd (the Netherlands’ NatQCI) and HellasQCI respectively.
Fruitful discussions took place between the projects’ partners on the common challenges of building the national quantum ecosystems, preparing the trainings for the next generation of the quantum workforce and the deployment of the quantum networks, testbeds and the use of advanced QKD technologies. IrelandQCI expressed its interest in the space segment of HellasQCI and the advanced and multidisciplinary use-cases that are planned to be performed.
HellasQCI partners participated also at the second day of the kick-off meeting, at the Work Packages (WP) presentations and discussions.