Invitation for Public Consultation on a procurement via ESIDIS System from 12/09/2023 to 27/09/2023 Announcement – Invitation to participate in the Public Consultation process on the issue here The Contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous offer,…

The video describes how quantum communication technologies protect critical infrastructure and sensitive data in HellasQC

In the above link are provided, in Greek language, details and description of the competition. Η ΕΔΥΤΕ Α.Ε. προβαίνει σε διενέργεια Δημόσιας Διαβούλευσης επί του τεύχους Διακήρυξης Ανοιχτού Διαγωνισμού άνω των ορίων για «Υπηρεσίες μίσθωσης συνδέσμων οπτικών ινών για την…

The 1st official HellasQCI Newsletter of 2023 is out, aiming to provide news regarding the future of cybersecurity with Quantum Technologies and PQC algorithms, in Greece and all over Europe! Take a look and subscribe (if you haven’t already): HERE

HellasQCI project offers advanced Quantum Key Distribution four-day training, accessible in person or via livestream. We are excited to announce a dynamic four-day training event focused on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Systems and Cybersecurity with QKD and Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC).…

Invitation for a Quantum Encrypted Network PoC trial input by vendors until July 7, 2023. Abstract: Invitation for a trial Proof of Concept (PoC) for research purposes of Quantum Encrypted Optical Network. The aim is to identify suitable technical solutions…

Greece ESA's ScyLight Conference showcased Quantum and Optical Communication advancements, drawing global experts and collaborations The 6th edition of the annual ESA ScyLight Conference for Optical and Quantum Technologies successfully took place on 15-16 May 2023 at Eugenides Foundation in Athens,…

The launch of IrelandQCI fostered collaboration, shared expertise, and discussed challenges in quantum communication infrastructures The launch of the IrelandQCI -partner project of the HellasQCI- which took place in Waterford on April 24-25, was an excellent opportunity to exchange expertise…

HellasQCI will join IrelandQCI's meeting, exchanging insights and establishing synergies between national quantum communication infrastructures HellasQCI will be present in the IrelandQCI kick-off meeting in Waterford on 24-25 April. Dr Ilias Papastamatiou, Senior Project Manager at GRNET and Project Coordinator…

ScyLight Conference in Athens invites global experts to plan future optical and quantum communication technologies The sixth edition of the annual Scylight Conference for Optical and Quantum Technologies will take place on 15-16 May 2023 in Athens followed by a…
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