19th-20th of January 2023 Dr Ilias Papaastamatiou from GRNET introduced at the kick off meeting in Athens the project overall. S1-HellasQCI-Introduction-I.-Papastamatiou_1Download
As Secretary General of Telecommunications & Posts, Athanasios Staveris gave a presentation during the HellasQCI kick-off meeting. 19th - 20th of January 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zRKT7MU2JA
17th of March 2023 Request for information (RFI) with regard to the procurement of the DV-QKD devices for the HellasQCI project. DV-QKD vendors are kindly requested to forward their input and budget quotation by email to hellasqci-technicalboard@lists.grnet.gr until Friday, March…
HellasQCI's kick-off meeting, launched by Greece's Ministry, showcased commitment to EuroQCI, continuing with fruitful discussions. The HellasQCI project kick-off meeting took place in Athens, Greece at the Ministry of Digital Governance in January 2023. The project was officially launched by…
Prof George T. Kanellos from NKUA presented in the ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Event on the 14th of February 2023 the HellasQCI: National scale deployment of quantum communications systems and networks. In his presentation he showed that there are more…
HellasQCI participated at the EuroQCI Kick-Off Meeting which took place at European Commission in Brussels Hellas QCI – Deploying advanced national QCI systems and networks in Greece participated at the EuroQCI DIGITAL projects Kick-Off Meeting which took place at the…
Keynote speech by Secretary General of Telecommunications & Posts, Athanasios Staveris during HellasQCI kick-off meeting. 19th - 20th of January 2023
19th-20th of January 2023 During a two-day meeting at the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance, the new project Hellas QCI – Deploying advanced national QCI systems and networks in Greece kicked-off on 19 and 20 January 2023 with the…
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- Name:
- Display:user_hellas_qci
- Email:antoniskorakis@dat.demokritos.gr
- Website:https://hellasqci.eu
- Total Post: 68