Executive Summary
From February 26 to 27, the Instituto de Telecomunicações in Aveiro hosted a workshop in the field of quantum communication networks, organised by the consortium PTQCI.
The event gathered a total of 100 participants and brought together key players in the field of quantum technologies to discuss and exchange ideas about implementing the future quantum communication networks at national ,European and global aspects.
The workshop focused on the PTQCI project (Portugal) and other national and international Quantum Communication Networks namely: HellasQCI (Greece), EuroQCI-SPAIN (Spain), QCI-Cat (Austria), RoNaQCI (Romania), Lux4QCI (Luxembourg), the USA and Brazil, involving government, industrial entities, and academic institutions.
HellasQCI in Portugal
HellasQCI participation at the PTQCI Workshop reaffirmed the commitment shown by project partners in building the EuroQCI and shaping the future of quantum communication in Europe. HellasQCI was represented in the National Initiatives Session by the Project coordinator Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou, Senior Project Manager at GRNET. He shared the progress of the HellasQCI Quantum Communication Infrastructure of Greece, focusing on key milestones reached and achievements regarding the infrastructure developments, networks architecture, trainings, trusted nodes and all current EuroQCI synergies.

The panel of National QCI Initiatives was comprised of: Catarina Bastos representing PTQCI, Vicente Martin representing EuroQCI Spain, Sebastian Ramacher representing QCI-Cat, Pierre Muller representing Lux4QCI, Alin-Bogdan Popa representing RoNaQCI and Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou representing HellasQCI (coordinated by GRNET). The panel was enriched with two International Initiatives, i.e. Mehdi Namazi representing Qunnect Inc (USA) and Valeria Loureiro da Silva representing Centro de Competencia Embrapii em Tecnologias Quanticas (Brazil).
The 2-day event on Quantum Communication Networks (QCNs), featured special guest Mr. Mario Campolargo, Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation of Portugal and Pietro Paglierani, CMRE Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation/NATO.
Overall the workshop offered a diverse agenda including:
- Quantum Key Distribution Networks & Services
- The EuroQCI Initiative
- Round table with National & International Initiatives: Portugal, Spain, Austria, USA, Greece, Brazil, Luxembourg and Romania.
- Poster Session & Industrial Exhibition